Core Vision

  • A world where skillful communication makes cooperation, not conflict, the norm.
  • A world where self-awareness and skillful choices lead to individual health and happiness and a better global environment and economy.

That’s all.

Read What Our Clients Have to Say

, Who We Are, CoreSkills LLC

After a 15-year career in international trade and finance, Kristine Wood founded Core Skills LLC. In the Structured Finance Group, Kristine became the top trainer of “hard” skills at the U.S. Export-Import Bank. At the same time, she observed that the presence or absence of “soft” skills had the greatest impact on the success or failure of teams and initiatives. And so, since 2007, Kristine has provided work-place facilitation and training on a range of subjects around culture, leadership, communications and organizational wellness.

An IAF Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF) and INIFAC Certified Virtual Facilitator (CVF), she facilitates team-building, organizational culture, leadership, and bi- and multi-lateral negotiations for teams that need help moving from discussion to action.

She is also the developer and primary presenter of all the Core Communicator, Core Wellness and Collaborative Culture content as well as custom workshops on leadership, team building, communication, wellness, customer service, and many more business and wellness topics. Her vast network of colleagues promises the perfect fit in Washington DC and beyond.

A magna cum laude graduate of the University of Minnesota, Kristine earned her M.A. as a fellowship recipient at The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs. She has traveled and worked in over 50 countries, studied in Ecuador and Spain, and pursued continuing education opportunities ranging from executive coaching to leadership models. Kristine also uses her leadership skills to give back to the community. She has served on numerous advisory committees to the Arlington County Board and School Board, has been the PTA president of a bi-lingual elementary school, has helped teach kids peaceful conflict resolution skills and coached youth sports. She is also a 2015 Leadership Arlington graduate and immediate past president of her civic association.