Core Skills for Humans on YouTube

Posted By on Aug 8, 2022 in Communication,Favorites,Leadership,Teams,Watch
A series of three videos from Core Skills LLC, packed full of the most important concepts and content to jumpstart your journey as a skillful communicator and leader: 1) A Bit About Brains (12 min) 2) Your Communications Tool Box (9 min) 3) The Skillful (and Safe) Self (8min)...
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Color Blind or Color Brave

Posted By on Jun 6, 2020 in Communication,Culture,Favorites,Teams,Watch
Mellody Hobson, CEO of Ariel Investments, gives this great talk about diversity as a competitive advantage and the first steps we can ALL take in the work place toward being “Color Brave”. These conversations are important. They can also be difficult. A skilled, professional facilitator will ma...
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If You Want To Look Smart, Ask Questions

Posted By on Apr 4, 2020 in Communication,Favorites,Leadership,Read
Everyone likes to look smart. In order to show our competence, we tend to rattle off our accomplishments, point to our experience, and speak with authority. This self-focused approach, however, can have a negative effect and sacrifice an important opportunity to build trust and alignment. In this Forbes ar...
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Reflections-Not-Resolutions, with Kristine Wood

Posted By on Jan 1, 2020 in Listen,Mindfulness,Wellness
It’s the new year, and resolutions are everywhere. But rather than obsessing over those fraught promises, I propose we focus on new year’s reflections. Kristine Wood provides work-place facilitation and training. She knows a thing or two about the powers of reflection — and of relaxing our certainty....
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The Power of Attention

Posted By on Sep 9, 2019 in Leadership,Mindfulness,Read
I’ve been having a hard time focusing on a project I need to complete. As I sat down at my computer this morning I did NOT go to my email inbox first. Instead, I focused only on the articles I needed to read, the document I was working on, and the task at hand. Whew, […]...
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Why Creating Systems is More Important Than Setting Goals

Posted By on Oct 10, 2017 in Communication,Culture,Leadership,Read
We all have things that we want to achieve in our lives — as individuals and in organizations. And for most of us, the path to those things starts by setting a specific and actionable goal. This article focuses on why systems are more productive that goals for individual achievement. I would argue th...
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High Performing Teams Need Psychological Safety

All of them this is one of my go-to articles explaining what that is and how to create it. A must-read. HBR August 2017 by Laura Delizonna, PhD...
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Not Just for Kids . . .Brilliant Skills for All of Us

Posted By on Jul 7, 2017 in Communication,Leadership,Read
The authors of Becoming Brilliant also believe in “Core Skills.” They suggest we should start teaching children the following: Collaboration with others Communication (skillful communication, that is) Content — especially learning how to understand language Critical thinking Creative inno...
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Why A Group’s Power Dynamics Interferes With Collaboration

Posted By on Mar 3, 2016 in Communication,Leadership,Listen,Teams
This report highlights social science research showing that people in positions of power aren’t always the best people to have on a team that needs to collaborate and work creatively . . . or why you might need a facilitator to make the process more efficient....
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Disruptive Leadership from NPR and TED

Posted By on Jan 1, 2016 in Community,Leadership,Listen
Five diverse leaders talk of shaking things up in this TED Radio Hour from January 2014. Stanley McChrystal on how leaders deal with failure Sheryl Sandberg on cultivating women leaders Bunker Roy on grandmothers changing the world Drew Dudley on changing peoples lives every day . . . Seth Godin on the lea...
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